Weight Loss

Learn All About

Weight Loss Treatment

Weight loss is something that the majority of Americans have struggled with at some point in their lives– but its root causes are unique for each individual person, which means that effective treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Clients visiting Lake Town Wellness for weight loss will meet with Stephanie, who will review your medical history and conduct a brief physical, including a measurement of height and weight to calculate BMI, plus a blood pressure check and a conversation about your eating patterns and diet– as well as what’s worked for you in the past, and what hasn’t.

discover a new you

Weight Loss can help you call it quits on…

joint pain


digestive problems

hormonal imbalances

For many people, weight loss is an excellent solution to a wide variety of physical and mental health problems. Finding an effective weight loss strategy can help you enjoy increased energy and a greatly decreased risk of chronic disease.

how does it work?

Weight Loss Treatment

For weight loss treatment, you’ll meet one-on-one with Stephanie for each visit. She’ll conduct a full physical evaluation and an in-depth discussion of the types of foods you typically eat, your eating patterns, and your experiences with weight loss and dieting in the past.

After learning about your specific situation, Stephanie will develop a customized plan of action for you, which might include injections, infusions, or oral supplements, plus eating plan and exercise goals.

If it’s determined that semaglutide is the appropriate treatment for your unique body, Stephanie will prescribe 4 weeks of the medication to get started. This medication comes in the form of a weekly injection that can be self-administered.

To get started, we prescribe a lower dose of Semaglutide to allow your body to get used to it, and incrementally increase around months two or four.

Semaglutide is recommended for patients with a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or greater, or a body mass index of 27 kg/m2 or great with at least one weight-related ailment, like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, or others.

Health Consult: $160/hr

Weeks 1-4

30 min | $200

Weekly dose 0.25mg

Weeks 5-8

30 min | $250

Weekly dose 0.5mg

Weeks 9-12

30 min | $350

Weekly dose 1mg

Weeks 13-16

30 min | $400

Weekly dose 1.7mg

Weeks 17+

30 min | $500

Weekly dose 2.4mg

let’s work together

Return to Your Best Self

If you’re ready to work one-on-one with a doctor who’s committed to gaining a comprehensive understanding of your health history, it’s time to book a consultation with Stephanie today.

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